Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Women going to Masjidh

المرأة والمسجد

الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبة أجمعين .. وبعد

فلقد كان النساء على عهد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يخرجن للصلاة، وكانت المرأة تخرج إلى الصلاة متلفعة لا يعرفها أحد، ولا يبرز من مفاتنها شيء . ففي الصحيحين عن عائشة رضي الله عنها قالت : كان نساء المؤمنين يشهدن الفجر مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ثم يرجعن متلفعات بمروطهن ما يعرفن من الغلس .

وقال صلى الله عليه وسلم : (( لا تمنعوا إماء الله مساجد الله )) .

قال الشيخ ابن عثيمين رحمه الله في الممتع 4/284:

قال بعض العلماء : إن هذا الحديث نهي، والأصل في النهي التحريم، وعلى هذا فيحرم على الولي أن يمنع المرأة إذا أرادت الذهاب إلى المسجد لتصلي مع المسلمين وهذا القول هو الصحيح .

ويدل لهذا أن ابن عمر رضي الله عنهما لما قال له ابنه بلال حينما حدث بهذا الحديث " والله لنمنعهن" رواه مسلم . لأنه رأى الفتنة وتغير الأحوال ، وقد قالت عائشة رضي الله عنها : ( لو رأى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم من النساء ما رأينا لمنعهن كما منعت نساء بني إسرائيل ) رواه البخاري ومسلم .

فلما قال ( ولله لنمنعهن ) أقبل إليه عبدالله فسبه سبا شديدا ما سبه مثله قط وقال له : أقول لك قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ( لا تمنعوا إماء الله ) وتقول : والله لنمنعهن ! فهجره لأن هذا مضادة لكلام الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم وهذا أمر عظيم وتعظيم كلام رسوله عند السلف لا يماثله تعظيم أحد من الخلف وهذا الفعل من ابن عمر يدل على التحريم . لكن إذا تغير الزمان فينبغي للإنسان أن يقنع أهله بعدم الخروج حتى لا يخرجوا ، ويسلم هو من ارتكاب النهي الذي نهى عنه الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم .أ.هـ

وعن أم حميد امرأة أبي حميد الساعدي رضي الله عنهما أنها جاءت إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقالت: يا رسول الله إني أحب الصلاة معك . قال : قد علمت أنك تحبين الصلاة معي وصلاتك في بيتك خير من صلاتك في حجرتك ، وصلاتك في حجرتك خير من صلاتك في دارك، وصلاتك في دارك خير من صلاتك في مسجد قومك ، قال : فأمرت فبني لها مسجد في أقصى شيء من بيتها وأظلمه وكانت تصلي فيه حتى لقيت الله عز وجل.

قال الدمياطي : كان النساء في عهد رسول الله إذا خرجن من بيوتهن يخرجن متبذلات متلفعات بالأكسية لا يعرفن من الغلس، وكان إذا سلم النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يقال للرجال مكانكم حتى ينصرف النساء ومع هذا قال رسول الله : إن صلاتهن في بيوتهن خير لهن .

ولكن .... من النساء من لا يتسنى لها حضور مجالس العلم والمحاضرات إلا إذا صلت في المسجد فلا بأس بذهابها إليه من أجل العلم .

ومنهن من لا يحصل لها الخشوع بصلاتها في البيت كما هي في المسجد أو تعلم أنها تكسل في البيت فيكون المسجد محفزا لها على الصلاة فلا بأس بذهابها للمسجد .

ولعلك أختي المسلمة تعلمين أنك لو غرستِ في نفسكِ القناعة بأن صلاتك في بيتكِ أفضل لهيأت لها أسباب الأداء والخشوع ولكن إذا وضعت في ذهنك أن الصلاة في المسجد أدعى للخشوع وأجدر بالإتمام لم تبذلي للخشوع أسبابه بل كانت أبسط المشغلات كفيلة بأن تثنيك عن هذه الطاعة وهذا واقع مجرب .

وأما من أهملت أطفالها وعرضتهم للمخاطر بذهابها إلى المسجد فلا أظنها سلكت جادة الصواب ، ولكن إن كان لديك أسباب تعضد ذهابك إلى المسجد فعليك ملاحظة بعض الأخطاء ،ومنها :

1- خروج بعض النساء إلى المسجد وهن متعطرات والنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول فيما رواه مسلم : ( أيما امرأة أصابت بخورا فلا تشهد معنا صلاة العشاء ) .

2- خروج بعضهن متبرجات قد كشفن عن بعض أجسادهن كالأيدي والأذرع أو لبسن ما يفتن الرجال كالعباءة المتبرجة أو كشفن وجوههن.

3- اصطحاب الأطفال معهن إلى المسجد مما يؤدي إلى اجتماعهم وإزعاج المصلين وإشغالهم عن عبادتهم ، أو تأتي برضيعها وتتركه على الأرض وتنشغل بصلاتها وطفلها يبكي بكاء شديدا يزعج من حولها .

4- جلوس بعض النساء بين الركعات يتحدثن حتى إذا قرب الركوع قامت فركعت وهذا خطأ حيث لم تدرك مع الإمام تكبيرة الإحرام ولم تقرأ الفاتحة وانشغلت بغير عذر شرعي .

4- يلاحظ على صفوف النساء - غالبا - عدم إتمامها والتراص فيها وتسويتها، فالأولى إتمام الصف الأول فالأول ما دمن معزولات عن الرجال وأن تلصق المرأة منكبها بمنكب أختها وأن تصل الصف المقطوع أو تأمر بوصله ، وأن تقيم الصف .

6- حضور بعض النساء مع السائق بدون محرم ينقض الخلوة ، فترتكب محذورا شرعيا لتحصل على مستحب ، فمن لم يتيسر لها الحضور إلا بهذه الطريقة فلتلتزم بقوله صلى الله عليه وسلم ( وبيوتهن خير لهن ) .. أخرجه أحمد وإسناده صحيح .

7- بعد انقضاء الصلاة تجلس بعض الأخوات هداهن الله يتحدثن وربما جر الكلام إلى المحرم والواجب عليهن بعد انقضاء الصلاة - الخروج إلى منازلهن - وأن يكن بعيدات عن الرجال .

8- من النساء من تجهل أحكام الجماعة وإدراكها كأن تدخل إلى المسجد والإمام قد شرع في صلاة التراويح ، فللنساء الجاهلات بأحكام الجماعة في هذا الموقف حالتان :

فمنهن من تصلي العشاء على عجل في بيتها أو في المسجد لتدرك صلاة التراويح فتكون قد أخلّت بفريضة لتدرك سنة ، غافلة عن قوله تعالى في الحديث القدسي : وما تقرب إلي عبدي بشيء أحب إلى مما افترضته عليه .

ومنهن من تصلي ركعتين على عجل لتدرك معه ركعتي التراويح لتتم صلاة العشاء وبهذه والتي قبلها لم تُصِبِ السنة ، بل خسرت الخشوع الذي أمرت به ، ولكن السنة في ذلك أن تدخل مع الإمام في صلاة التراويح بنية العشاء وإذا سلم أتمت ما فاتها بطمأنينة وخشوع .

9- من النساء من تسجد مع الإمام فإذا سجد ظلت ساجدة رغبة منها في الاستزادة من الدعاء، وغفلت عن أن هذا يعد تأخرا عن الإمام وهي مأمورة بمتابعته .ا.هـ من كلام الشيخ ابن عثيمين رحمه الله

10- ومن النساء من تمسك المصحف وهي تصلي تتابع مع الإمام قراءته وقد قال الشيخ ابن عثيمين رحمه الله في مجموع فتاويه 14/233 : لا أرى أن الإنسان يتابع الإمام من المصحف لأنه يفوت مطلوبا ويقع في غير مرغوب فيه فيفوت النظر إلى موضع سجوده وكذلك وضع اليد ين على الصدر وهو السنة ، ويقع في غير مرغوب فيه وهو الحركة بحمل المصحف و فتحه وطيه ووضعه وهذه كلها حركات لا حاجة إليها .ا.هـ

وثمة أخطاء أخرى تقع فيها النساء في المسجد ولكن المجال لا يتسع لذكرها .

وفقني الله وإياكن لفهم دينه وعلمنا ما جهلنا ونفعنا بما علمنا ..

وصلى الله على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم ،،

Does Islam Discourage Women from Attending the Masjid?

As Islam is a universal religion, its call is directed to human beings generally. "O ye people" is the standard call addressed to everyone who understands it. No distinction whatsoever is made between the sexes. "So their Lord accepted their prayers (saying), I will not suffer the work of any worker among you to be lost, whether male or female, he (or she) being a believer, these will enter the Garden and they will not be dealt with unjustly." (Al-Nisa: 124). There are countless Qur'anic verses stressing the essential fact that human society is built upon the idea of the male and female pair and that both are equal partners on their own merits in their own fields. Where any distinction is made, it is a natural and not an imposed one, as, for example, the rule relieving a woman of certain religious duties during menstruation, thus lessening her distress.

The Mosque is for both Men and Women:

The general Islamic attitude is therefore that, if a mosque is essential for Muslims, it is essential for both partners, male and female. The Muslim community which attended the prayer at the mosque during the lifetime of the Prophet (PBUH) included both males and females. It is authentically reported that the Prophet (PBUH) said, "On many occasions I start the prayer with the intention of prolonging it and then shorten it on hearing the cry of a baby for fear of keeping his mother away from attending him." The Prophet's (PBUH) Mosque had a number of doors. One day, the Prophet said, "If we could only leave this door for the ladies!" Ibn Omar, who was always very scrupulous in following the way of the Prophet (PBUH), was reported as not using this door from then on, leaving it for the purpose mentioned by the Prophet (PBUH).

Bearing in mind these incidents, together with the general Islamic attitude, it is obvious that free mixing between males and females is not encouraged in Islam. Islam stresses simplicity and decency in dressing, walking and talking and indeed in every aspect of life. Colorful or fancy kinds of dress, perfume or sexually attractive things or modes of talking are not welcome in public places where people gather, such as markets, offices or institutional buildings. How much more must this apply to the mosque! In the light of all this, Muslim jurists differ as to the desirability of Muslim women attending the Jummah (Friday) prayer at the mosque.

Al-Mughni, the standard Hanbali Fiqh, gives his views on the matter of the congregational prayer. After discussing the acceptability of the woman as imam for other women, he says the following: "It is allowed that they-women-attend the congregational prayers with men. For women used to pray with the Messenger of Allah (PBUH)." Aishah said, "Women used to offer their prayers with the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and then they dismiss, while wrapping their heads in their scarf, without being recognized because of darkness." And the Prophet (PBUH) said, "Do not stop the female servants of Allah from attending the Mosques of Allah but let them go there without applying perfumes." But prayer in her own house is best for her according to Abdullah ibn Omar, who reported that the Messenger of Allah said, "Do not prevent your women from (going to) the Mosques, though their houses are best for them." (Abu Dawud).

The best scholarly treatment of this subject is given in the voluminous book, Al-Muhalla by Ibn Hazam, who was called the "literalist" for his dependence upon the texts. He is described in his book of biography as "The great Imam, the traditionalist, the Faqeeh, the juror, the strong-in-argument, the renewer of the fifth Islamic century, the pride of Andalusia." In volume 3, problem or question number 321, he deals extensively with the question of women's attendance at mosques, covering all points of view and mentioning the weaknesses and strengths of each.

Modest Dress:

I will follow his method, with exception of listing the chain of narrators which he, as a traditionalist, insists upon. He says, "It is not lawful for the guardian of the woman-father, husband, brother or whatever he may be-or the master of a slave girl to stop her from attending the congregation at the mosque once he knows that she wants to pray. And it is not lawful for them-women-to go to the Mosque while using perfume or in attractive clothes. If a woman does so, he is to stop her. Their prayer in the jamaat (congregation) is better than individual prayers. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Do not stop the female servant of Allah from (going to) the Mosques of Allah." Ibn Omar said, "I heard the Messenger of Allah say, "Do not prevent your women from (going to) the Mosques if they seek your permission to do so." His son Bilal said, "Surely we will stop them." He turned to his son, abusing him in a way I have never heard him doing so and said, "I tell you the saying of the Prophet (PBUH) and you say you will stop them."

Imam Muslim reported from Ibn Omar that the Messenger of Allah said, "Do not prevent women from going to) the mosques at night." Abu Hurayrah said that the Messenger of Allah said, "Do not stop the male servants of Allah from (going to) the mosques of Allah but let them go in modest dress." Zaynab, the wife of Abdullah ibn Mas'ud said, "The Messenger of Allah said to us, 'If any one of you attends the Mosque, let her not touch perfume'." Jabir ibn Abdullah said that the Messenger of Allah said, "The best lines for men are the front ones and the worst are the back ones. The worst lines for females are the front ones and the best are the back ones. O ye Muslim women, if the male prostrate themselves, lower your gaze so as not to see their private parts." Omar ibn al-Khattab used to stop the males using the door reserved for females.

From these traditions of the Prophet (PBUH) and the attitudes of the companions, it is clear that, during his period, the golden era in Islamic history, it was natural for all the members of Muslim community to participate fully in every aspect of Islamic life, so long as it was a decent and constructive participation. This is clearly shown in many of the biographies of the female companions of the Prophet (PBUH). In their book, The Stories of Sahaba, of the Tablighi Jamaat, the author writes, “Ladies in the Khaibar Campaign; shoulder to shoulder with their men-folk, the ladies of those times, imbued with the same spirit of sacrifice, were striving heart and soul in the Path of Allah; and no service in this connection was too much for them." Ummu Zyad says, "In the Khaibar Campaign, I, along with five other women, reached the battlefield. The Prophet (PBUH), having learned this, sent for us. He said, with anger, "Who permitted you to come here? Who brought you to this place?" We said, "O Prophet of Allah, we know how to knit and we have medicines with us. We shall help the soldiers by supplying them with arrows, by attending them when they are sick and by preparing food for them. The Prophet (PBUH) permitted us to stay." (Page 164). This is just one example of how this first generation of Muslims allowed male and female to work hand in hand to build the newly formed Islamic society with the knowledge and encouragement of the Prophet (PBUH).

Origin of Idea Discouraging Women Attending the Mosque:

Then how did the idea of discouraging Muslim women from attending the mosque come about? We continue with Imam ibn Hazam, who tells us who were the advocates of the idea, what their arguments were and the refutation of such arguments.

He says, "Abu Hanifah and Malik said, 'Their prayers in their houses are better for them'." Abu Hanifah even disliked their going to the mosque for congregational prayer, the jummah prayer and the two feasts. He conceded for the elderly women the specific permission, to attend the night, Isha, prayer and the dawn, Fojr, prayer. It is also reported of him that he did not dislike their going out for the two feasts.

Imam Malik said, "We do not stop them going to the mosque" and he allowed elderly respectable women to attend the feasts prayer and the prayer for rain. He said, too, that the young could go to the mosque from time to time. As for the elderly, although they could go to the mosque, they should not go very often. (Vol.3, page 178).

The authority upon which these jurists depend consists of three main traditions showing why it is preferable for women to offer their prayer at home rather than in the mosque. There is also another tradition prohibiting attendance at the mosque if the woman applies perfume. Ibn Hazan accepts the last point as he stated at the beginning when he said, "It is not allowed for them to go out while using perfume or dressed in fancy kinds of dress or bright colors."

This is in accordance with the traditions related by Abu Hurayrah, "Any woman who touches perfume should not attend our Isha prayer." And Zaynab, wife of Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud, said: "If any one of you wishes to attend the mosque with us, she should not touch perfume." (See Naylul-Awtar, Vol.3, pages 148-9).

But Ibn Hazam rejects very strongly the authenticity of two traditions while arguing against the third one, related to A'ishah. In discussing these with him, we shall point out whether his criticisms are fair or otherwise in the light of the comments in the text itself or through the criticism in Naulul-Awtar.

Main Traditions:

The three main traditions in favor of women praying at home are as follows. Ibn Hazam says, "Those who disliked women going to the mosque depend on the saying of A'ishah, "If the Messenger of Allah had seen what the women innovated after him, he would have stopped them attending the mosques." The second is a tradition of Umm Humaid that the Prophet (PBUH) said, "Surely your prayer in your house is better than your prayer with me." And the third is the tradition of Abu Hurayrah, who said that the Prophet (PBUH) said, "For the woman to offer her prayer in her chamber is of greater merit than to offer it in her courtyard, in her courtyard than in the mosque of her people, in the mosque of her people than in the congregational mosque and in the congregational mosque than going out for prayer in Eid day." (Pages 179-80).

The above are the three main traditions mentioned by Ibn Hazam in favor of women praying at home. But if we look at Sahih Muslim Chap.167, Vol. 1, pages 240-241, we find that, of the three, only that of A'ishah is mentioned. The other two fail to satisfy Muslim's conditions of Sahih. Ibn Hazm will take up this point when he criticizes the authenticity of both of them.

No Islamic Basis to Discourage Women Attending the Mosque:

But let us first listen to what he had to say about A'ishah's judgement in this connection. It makes very interesting reading as it shows great insight on his part. He lived in Spain at a time when Islamic culture was flourishing and when that part of what used to be the Islamic world was making great strides in all aspects of scholarship. His literalistic attitude did not obstruct his rational enlightened attitude in considering the attendance of women at the mosque. He says, "What A'ishah (RA) says is of no authority for a number of considerations."

"First: The Prophet (PBUH) did not see what they innovated, so he did not stop them. Anyone stopping them is himself innovating and as such it is wrong to stop them. The error is that it is an argument from a hypothetical case." We do not know any argument more silly than that of those who argue that if such-and-such happened, then such-and-such would follow. That is to make a fact out of something that did not happen.

"Second: Allah Most High certainly knew what the women would innovate. Anyone who denies that is a disbeliever. He did not at all reveal to His Prophet (PBUH) that he should stop them from what they would innovate. Neither did He reveal to him, "Tell the people that if women make innovations, prevent them from going to the mosques." Since Allah Most High did not do so, then clinging to such arguments is wrong and in bad taste." (Vol.3, page181).

Shamsul-Haqq answered, "It is really surprising for such eminent scholars to start building up probabilities and claiming this or that as special cases without sound proof for such probabilities. If everyone did this, we could all claim that such-and-such a rule is confined to such-and-such persons. We would end up in a very difficult situation. As for their saying that it is allowed for the predecessors but not for their successors, this is a claim without proof, for all the Muslim ummah is equal in matters of lawful (halal) and unlawful (haram) things, except those who were exempted by the Prophet (PBUH).

It was this same point which was not clearly appreciated by A. Siddiqi in his translation of Sahih Muslim when he handled this issue in Vol.1, Chap.167. Imam Muslim quoted the same hadith allowing women to go to the mosque in a decent manner. In his commentary on these hadith, (he quoted other hadith) and said, “Apparently there seems to be some contradiction between these groups of hadith, but the exposition given by the scholars of hadith, especially by Shah Wali Ullah of Delhi, resolves it altogether. The actual fact is that the women who had the good fortune to live during the lifetime of Muhammad (PBUH) had a deep longing to say their prayer under his Imamah as it was an enviable privilege for them.

They, therefore, sought permission to join prayer in the mosque. Moreover, the moral atmosphere of that blessed period was quite congenial to the coming out of women from their houses and there was not even the slightest chance of indecency towards them. Under such conditions the Holy Prophet (PBUH) did not like to put any curb on their desire to join prayer in the mosque before daybreak and during night. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) could well visualize that moral conditions would change; therefore women were advised to say their prayers in their houses when there would be deterioration in the moral standards of the people in general."

He fell into the same intellectual trap of taking the changing times as a reason for changing to religious point of view. The imam Ibn Hazm answered his argument. Let us go on with his arguments. "Third: We do not Know what women innovated or did not innovate at the time of the Prophet (PBUH). There is nothing worse than adultery. This happened during the time of the Messenger of Allah and he ordered the lashing and stoning of those who committed this thing. But he did not stop women on that account from going to the mosque. The prohibition of adultery is equally enjoined on males and females, without differentiating. What, then, could make its existence a reason to stop women from going to the mosque but not men? This is the type of reasoning that is not acceptable to Allah and His Messenger (PBUH).

Fourth: Those who innovated were some of the women while no doubt there were others who did not. It is quite wrong to prevent good coming to those who did not innovate for the sake of those who did, except when there is a clear text either in the Qur'an or the Sunnah saying so, in which case we listen and obey. Allah Most High says, "And no soul earns (evil) but against itself. Nor does a bearer for burdens bear the burden of another." (Al-An'am: 164).

Fifth: If the innovation is the cause of stopping them from going to the mosque, it would be more appropriate to stop them from going to the market places or from visiting, but they did not stop them from those things.

Sixth: It is one of the great sins to abrogate a law -the Shariah-after the death of the Prophet (PBUH), without himself having abrogated it. It is even pure disbelief.

Seventh: There is no authority in the saying of anyone after the Prophet's (PBUH) saying. As for the other two traditions, he relied upon suspecting the authenticity of one of the narrators in each hadith. In the first one, he says that Abdul-Hameed Ibn Al-Munthir is not known. This point is not accepted, as this tradition is one of many others on the same point-that the prayer at home is preferable to the one at the mosque. The same is said about Abdullah ibn Raja'Al-Ghudani the narrator of the tradition quoted earlier starting, "For the woman to offer her prayer in her chamber is better than to offer it in her apartment…." The criticism that these two narrators are not known, therefore, does not affect the authenticity of the traditions. The valid point here is that the other traditions ordering Muslims husbands and fathers to give the permission to women to go to the mosque are more numerous, more authentic and more reliable than the opposing one. If we add to that the fact that Muslim women used to offer their prayers in the mosques in the time of the Prophet (PBUH) and the general agreement of all jurors that he never stopped them from doing so at any time in his life, we can feel quite rightly that the tradition practiced by the early Muslim community was for Muslim women to attend the mosque.

The presence of Muslim women in the mosque, the arrangement of the prayer times and the chapters written about these facts are to be found in every religious book. In his book, "Quamul-Layl" Al-Marwazi writes, "An-Nakhaie said, "I used to call the Adhan and Iqamah and no one would be present to offer the prayer with me except an elderly woman.” (95)

Abu Malik Al-Ashuri said to his people, "Shall I show you the prayer of the Messenger of Allah? Then he put them in lines, men first, then the young children, then the women." (101)

The Prophet (PBUH) used to stay in his place in the mosque for a little while after the prayer. The Companions who reported it said that this was to give the women a chance to leave first.Omar ibn Al-Khattab, seeing a male and female making their ablutions from the same basin, separated them. Then he called the attendant and said, "Did I not order you to prepare a basin for the use of the women?" We all remember the incident when Omar was preaching and advised people not to give a higher marriage gift for women or to ask for it. A Muslim woman in the mosque said to him in front of the whole gathering, "This is not for you." He said, "Why?" She replied, "Because Allah Most High said, 'And you have given one of them-as mahr (marriage gift) -a whole treasure' (Al-Nisa: 20) without putting a limit to the amount: how can you limit the mahr?" He answered, "All people are more judicious than you Omar! The woman is right and the man is wrong."

In the light of such reasoning, it would appear that the attitude of one who insists upon the barring of women from the mosque is the attitude of a wholly ignorant and backward person, one who is limited in his perspective because of the lack of education, insight and understanding. He is clinging to a tradition of three to four hundred years of decadence and stagnation in Muslim ignorant, blind, retrogressive way of life, which has no sanction in Islam.

No Differentiation:

But such a line of thought is not productive. After all, as Muslims we reason in the light of preserved traditions; the Qur'an and the Sunnah, not in the light of ever-changing situations. The facts of the Qur’an are that its message is a universal message without any differentiation between male and female regarding piety, observance of religious duty and religious obligations.

We have quoted enough traditions of the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions and other authorities to show clearly that women attended the mosque to the last minute of the life of Allah's Messenger without restriction or hindrance. The attitude of the vast majority of the Muslim jurors is not against women's attendance at the mosque. What the Qur'an and Sunnah enjoin upon women is a matter of conformity with the Islamic point of view. Women, as a matter of course, are bearers and rearers of children and suffer much physical distress. They nurse the sick and the elderly.


Women Praying at the Mosque?

Q:) In the area that I live in, there is a big problem. There are about 20 Mosques within 5 miles but only a handful allows women to come for prayers. I know that it’s better for women to pray at home but I think facilities should be provided. Sisters go shopping with husbands and the men go for salah on the way and the women can only stay in the car. In winter, within a couple of hours Zuhr, Asr and Maghrib is prayed. The sisters then just do Qadha. How can I sort out the situation? I am deobandi but find it very hard to accept this. What do the deobandi scholars say about this?

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Kind.

Generally, the major Fatawa books of the Indian Subcontinent Hanafi jurists (fuqaha) discourage (quite vehemently at times) women from attending and praying at Mosques. They base their understanding on the fact that a woman is encouraged by Allah Most High to remain within the confines of her home unless there is a need for her to emerge outside. Allah Most High says:

“And stay in your houses, and make not a dazzling display, like that of the former times of ignorance; and establish regular Prayer, and give regular Charity; and obey Allah and His Messenger. And Allah only wishes to remove all abomination from you, O members of the Family, and to make you pure and spotless.” (Surah al-Ahzab, V: 33)

Similarly, the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) in many Hadiths encouraged women to offer their prayers at home:

Sayyida Umm Salama (Allah be pleased with her) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: “The best Mosque for a woman is the inner part of her home.” (Musnad Ahmad & Tabrani)

Sayyiduna Abd Allah ibn Umar (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: “Do not prevent your womenfolk from attending the Mosque, even though their houses are better for them.” (Sunan Abu Dawud)

Sayyida Umm Salama (Allah be pleased with her) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: “A woman’s prayer in her inner room is better than her prayer in the outside room, and her prayer in the outside room is better than her prayer in the courtyard, and her prayer in the courtyard is better than her prayer in the Mosque.” (Mu’jam of Imam Tabrani)

Indeed, women in the time of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) did attend congregational prayers in the Mosque, and they were not prevented from doing so. The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) himself advised against preventing women from attending congregational prayers, for example:

Sayyiduna Abd Allah ibn Umar (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: “If your wives seek permission from you to go to the Mosque at night, let them.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, no: 827)


Salim narrates from his father that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: “If the wife of any one of you seeks permission to go to the Mosque, he may not prevent her.” (Sahih Muslim, no: 442)

However, the understanding of the various classical and contemporary Hanafi Fuqaha is that women in the time of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) had the unique opportunity of praying behind the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) himself- an act that cannot be paralleled today. Secondly, they used to observe all the requirements of Shariah including those of proper covering (hijab), hence they were not prohibited from attending the congregational prayers. Despite this, the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) still advised and encouraged them to pray in their homes.

Sayyiduna Umar ibn al-Khattab (Allah be pleased with him) in his time felt that the concession given to women for attending the congregational prayers in the Mosque is sometimes being misused and could be misused even more in the future. He felt that women were no longer taking care of the Shariah requirements as they used to in the time of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace), and he was also aware of the fact that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) advised women to offer their prayers at home. Hence, keeping all of the above in mind, he issued a verdict that women should no longer attend congregational prayers in the Masjid, and this decision of his was collectively accepted by the other Companions. (See: Ayni, Umdat al-Qari, 3/228)

Similarly, Sayyiduna Abd Allah ibn Mas’ud (Allah be pleased with him) used to refuse women entry to the Mosque for Friday prayers and would say: “Go, your homes are better for you.” (Recorded by Imam Tabrani. See: al-Targhib wa al-Tarhib, 1/190)

Sayyida A’isha (Allah be pleased with her) said:

“If the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) was alive to see what women are doing now (in A’isha’s time), he would surely have prevented them from attending the prayers in the Mosque just as the women of Banu Isra’il were prevented.” (Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)

The renowned Hadith scholar and Hanafi jurist, Imam Badr al-Din al-Ayni (Allah have mercy on him) states whilst commentating on the above statement of Sayyida A’isha:

“Had A’isha (Allah be pleased with her) witnessed what women are involved in the various types of innovations and wrongdoings these days, she would have been even more extreme in her preventing women from entering the Mosques……Also the fact that there had not been a long time between her statement and the demise of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace), and also the fact that women in her time were not involved in even one portion of a thousand of what women are up to these days.” (Umdat al-Qari, 3/230)

Based on the above, the various classical Hanafi Fuqaha (and also the majority of the contemporary Hanafi Ulama of the Subcontinent) state that it is disliked (makruh) for women, whether married or single, to go to the Mosque for congregational prayers.

Imam al-Kasani (Allah have mercy on him) states:

“It will not be permitted for young women to go to the Mosque for congregational prayers due to the fact that Sayyiduna Umar (Allah be pleased with him) prevented women from doing so. Moreover, women’s going to the Masjid is a cause of mischief (between men and women) and mischief (fitna) is Haram, and that which leads to something Haram will also be unlawful.” (Bada’i al-Sana’i, 1/157)

Another classical Hanafi jurist, Imam al-Haskafi (Allah have mercy on him) states:

“It is disliked for women to attend congregational prayers in the Mosque even for the Eid and Jumu’a prayers, and even for old women attending night prayers, according to the more reliable position in the Hanafi School, due to the corruption of the time.” (Radd al-Muhtar ala al-Durr, 1/566)

It is stated in al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya:

“The Fatwa these days is that it is disliked for women to go to the Mosque for all prayers, due to widespread corruption.” (al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya, 1/56)

Based on all of the above evidences, and based on what the classical Hanafi Fuqaha have stated in their respective works, the majority of the contemporary Hanafi Fuqaha of the Subcontinent consider women attending the congregational prayers in the Mosque to be disliked if not disallowed. Their stance is not based on any cultural values or customs (as some people wrongfully believe); rather, they are merely reinforcing what the classical Hanafi jurists have stated. Thus, to point fingers at them saying they are culturally oriented is indeed doing injustice to them.

Having said all of the above, the following is worth considering:

In my humble view (and who am I to have a viewpoint, hence what I intend to mention is merely through the blessings of my teachers), the main reasoning behind the classical Fuqaha’s dislike of women going to the Mosques for congregational prayers is the fear of what they term as “Fitna”. The term Fitna means: mischief, harm, corruption and generally the non-observance of the Shariah rulings. Almost all of the classical jurists state that due to widespread mischief and corruption, women no longer should be going for congregational prayers. The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) himself never forbade women from attending the Mosques; rather, he said that women should not be prevented from entering the Mosques. Hence, the jurists (fuqaha) have based their ruling on the position of Sayyiduna Umar and Sayyida A’isha (Allah be pleased with them both), and their position was based on the fear of mischief and harm.

They saw that corruption was rife and widespread in their time; hence, women may be harmed by immoral and corrupt people if they emerged out of their homes. They feared that if women are encouraged to go to the Mosques, it could open the door for unlawful intermingling of the two sexes. The main reason, however, was the fear of women being harmed, as pointed out by Imam Ibn Abidin (Allah have mercy on him) in his renowned Radd al-Muhtar and other classical Fuqaha. This is the very reason why some classical Fuqaha permitted old women to attend the Fajr and Eisha prayers, for the immoral and wicked people are asleep at that time. Some even allowed them to go for Maghrib prayers, for the immoral people are normally busy eating at that time. Imam Ibn Abidin then states that if there is a fear of the wicked people loitering around in these prayers times, then it will be disliked for women to go for these prayers also. (Radd al-Muhtar, 1/566)

One should always keep in mind the context in which the Fuqaha were giving such verdicts. Life was very plain and simple. Women in Muslim countries and Islamic societies would normally not emerge out of their homes unless absolutely necessary. The need to emerge out of the house was not like the need we have in today’s complicated world. Hence, Muslim women would remain within the confines of their homes, and emerge outside only in certain unavoidable situations.

Keeping this context in mind, one can easily understand why the classical Fuqaha gave such verdicts. By allowing women to frequent the Mosques, they would be giving women permission to emerge out of their homes - women who would have otherwise not emerged outside. Thus, they feared that Muslim women normally do not come out of their homes, and in allowing (and encouraging) them to go to the Mosque, there is a possibility that evil and wicked people may jump at the chance of harming them.

If we were to apply this context to the modern era - where women are all over the market areas, shopping malls, shopping centres, streets and roads - it seems unfair to completely shun them from entering the Mosques. As one scholar of piety and knowledge once said: “We don’t mind women frequenting the most disliked of places in the sight of Allah (abghad al-Bilad) which are the bazaars (aswaq), but we have a major problem with women coming to the most beloved of places (ahab al-Bilad) in the sight of Allah, which are the Mosques!

Therefore, when women are allowed to go to the Bazaars, markets, shopping malls and other such places (and justifiably in many cases), then it does not seem right to completely shun them from coming to the Mosques. The main wisdom behind the position of the classical jurists was the fear of harm and corruption, and in the modern times women (Muslim, non-Muslim, practising and non-practising) are all over the place, hence if evil and wicked people would want to cause any harm to them, they would surely look out for them at other places rather than the Mosques. Also, women generally would be safe in our times from being harmed whilst going to the Mosques.

Secondly, at times there may be a genuine need for women to go to the Mosques, such as when travelling and the prayer time is about to come to an end. There have been many cases where a sister had to miss her prayer, for there were no facilities for women to pray in the Mosque. At times, women may need to go to the Mosque to learn sacred knowledge, attend a spiritual gathering and other such matters, hence she may need to pray her Salat in the Mosque.

Keeping the above in mind, and given the times we are living in, I believe that both of the following two extremist approaches should be avoided with regards to women going to Mosques, and we should adopt the middle way, as “the best of ways is the middle way”:

Some people are quite extreme in their support and encouragement for women attending congregational prayers to the point that they consider women who wish to pray at home to be deprived of the blessings and benefits of praying in the Mosque. At times, men and women are seen praying in the Mosque in such an informal and casual manner that the rules of Shariah are overlooked. The rules of Hijab are violated and men and women are quite willing to intermingle freely and openly in the Mosque. They think that actions are according to their intentions; hence, even if the means taken are unsound, it seems not matter to them. In some Mosques, on the occasion of Eid and other celebrations, women and men dress like they are attending some sort of a fashion show, with the women dressed up in all their make up and powerful fragrance.

This was actually what Sayyiduna Umar and Sayyida A’isha (Allah be pleased with them both) were thinking of when they prevented women from going to the Mosques. One should always remember that “ends don’t justify the means” hence it is vital that in order to do an act of good, one must take means that are sound also. Open and casual intermingling of the sexes is prohibited in Shariah; hence, it will not be permitted for women to go to the Mosque in such a context.

On the other hand, we see that some people are quite extreme in preventing women from attending the Mosques that they don’t even have a designated place for women to pray. If a sister was travelling and was out of the house due to a need, and the time for prayer came in, what would she do? In many cases, women are forced into knocking on people’s doors to allow them to pray. If they are unsuccessful, they have no choice but to miss their prayers. This is another form of extremism which I believe should be avoided.

The middle way is that women should be encouraged to offer their regular prayers at home, and not come to the Mosque habitually without having a need to do so. At the same time, every Masjid should have facilities for a woman’s prayer area, so that if a sister is travelling she is able to make Wudu and offer her prayers without having to miss her prayers altogether. In the case of women coming to the Mosque, extreme care and precaution should be taken of observing the rules of Hijab, so that there is no fear of any Fitna. Both brothers and sisters should have separate entrances, and open intermingling of the two genders must be avoided. Sisters should also be wary that going to the Mosque should not lead to the non-fulfilment of their other household duties.

I believe this is the balanced approach that may be adopted in the west given the times we live in. Ultimately, the main objective of the slave, male or female, is to seek the pleasure of Allah Most High and not satisfy one’s own desire and wish. Hence, one should be content with the command of Allah Most High and His beloved Messenger (Allah bless him & give him peace) whether it suits one or otherwise. Therefore, Muslim women should understand that praying at home is just as equal in the sight of Allah to men praying in the Mosque. May Allah Almighty give us all the true understanding of Deen, Ameen

And Allah knows best

Muhammad ibn Adam
Darul Iftaa
Leicester , UK


Ruling on women going to the masjid (mosque)
Here in my country (Surinam, South America), the Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa‘ah forbid women to go to the mosque, saying that the first Imaam (Imaam Abu Haneefah) learned to do what pleases the Holy Prophet SAWS (peace be upon him), and he had said once that it is better for the women to perform prayer at home, because there is more sawaab (reward) in that, and as we come here to earn sawaab, it is better to do this.

Is it right to forbid women to go to the mosque? If so, where in the Holy Qur’aan or the ahaadeeth can I find this?

Praise be to Allah.

There is no doubt that a woman’s prayer in her house is better for her than praying in the mosque, as is indicated by the Sunnah of the Prophet (Peace & Blessings of Allaah be upon Him). He said: "Do not prevent your women from going to the mosque, even though their houses are better for them." (Reported by Abu Dawud in al-Sunan, Baab maa jaa’a fee khurooj al-nisaa’ ilaa’l-masjid: Baab al-tashdeed fee dhaalik. See also Saheeh al-Jaami‘, no. 7458).

Whenever a woman prays in a place that is more private and more hidden, that is better for her, as the Prophet (Peace & Blessings of Allaah be upon Him) said: "A woman’s prayer in her house is better than her prayer in her courtyard, and her prayer in her bedroom is better than her prayer in her house." (Reported by Abu Dawud in al-Sunan, Baab maa jaa’a fee khurooj al-nisaa’ ilaa’l-masjid. See also Saheeh al-Jaami‘, no. 3833).

Umm Humayd, the wife of Abu Humayd al-Saa‘idi reported that she came to the Prophet (Peace & Blessings of Allaah be upon Him) and said: "O Messenger of Allaah, I love to pray with you." He said: "I know that you love to pray with me, but praying in your house is better for you than praying in your courtyard, and praying in your courtyard is better for you than praying in the mosque of your people, and praying in the mosque of your people is better for you than praying in my mosque." So she ordered that a prayer-place be built for her in the furthest and darkest part of her house, and she always prayed there until she met Allaah (i.e., until she died). (Reported by Imaam Ahmad; the men of its isnaad are thiqaat (trustworthy)).

But the fact that praying at home is preferable does not mean that that women are not permitted to go to the mosque, as is clear from the following hadeeth:
From ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar, who said: "I heard the Messenger of Allaah SAWS (peace be upon him) say: ‘Do not prevent your women from going to the mosque if they ask your permission.’" Bilaal ibn ‘Abdullah said, "By Allaah, we will prevent them." (Ibn ‘Umar) turned to him and told him off in an unprecedented fashion, saying: "I tell you what the Messenger of Allaah (Peace & Blessings of Allaah be upon Him) said, and you say ‘By Allaah, we will prevent them’!!" (reported by Muslim, 667).

But there are conditions attached to the permission for women to go to the mosque, as follows:
(1) She should wear complete hijaab.
(2) She should not go out wearing perfume.
(3) She should have the permission of her husband.

Her going out should not involve any other kind of prohibited acts, such as being alone in a car with a non-mahram driver. If a woman does something wrong like that, her husband or guardian has the right to stop her; in fact it is his duty to do so. And Allaah knows best


Can women go to mosque?

Author: Mehmet Paksu, 30-4-2008
The performance of five prayers in congregation (jama’ah) is sunnah muakkadah (something that the Prophet (PBUH) always did) in a degree equal to wajib (almost fardh) according to Hanafi School. According to Shafii School it is fardh kifayah (fard that if performed by some (a sufficient number), the obligation falls from the rest) whereas according to some Maliki scholars it is fardh ‘ain (a compulsory duty for every single Muslim). However these judgments are for men. Women do not have to perform prayers in congregation. They may, but it is not a religious obligation.

In their homes, women can perform prayers in congregation by following the imam. However, the judgment for performing prayers in mosque is different.

According to a hadith related in Muslim our Prophet (PBUH) said "Don't prevent your women from going to the mosque when they seek your permission. (1)

As a matter of fact women used to perform prayers in the mosque behind the row of men in a separate row when our Prophet (PBUH) was alive. However, after the death of our Prophet (PBUH), it did not go on like that very long. The Sahabahs (Companions of the Prophet (PBUH)) did not consent to women’s going to the mosque. Hadrat Aisha said: "If the Prophet (PBUH) had lived now, he would have forbidden women to go to the mosque as Bani Israil did."(2)

What made Hadrat Aisha say the sentence above was the extremism in their clothes and appearance. Some women started to come to the mosque by wearing perfumes or ornamented clothes and attracting attention. Imam Ayni who translated and explained Bukhari said the following related to Hadrat Aisha’s above-mentioned sentence: "If Hadrat Aisha had seen the bid’ahs (innovations) and prohibited things the women of our time performed, she would have said something more severe. Furthermore, the innovations that women of that time performed may be only one out of one thousand of today’s women."

While one of the Shafii Scholars, Imam Nawai said, "For a woman there is no better place than her home even if she is old”, Abdullah bin Mas'ud (May Allah be pleased with him) said " a woman is awrah (needs to be covered). The time when she is nearest to Allah is when she is at home” pointing out that the mosque of the woman was her home.

In a hadith our Prophet (PBUH) said the following about the most rewarding prayer of a woman:
"The prayer a woman performs in her house is more rewarding than the one she performs in the yard of her house. The prayer she performs in the yard of her house is more rewarding than the one in the mosque in their district. Their houses are better for them. (3)

(1) Muslim Salat: 135.
(2) At-Tafseeru'l-Kurtubi, 14: 244.
(3) Macmau'l-Anbur, 1: 109.

"Do not stop the maid servants of Allah from going to the mosques of Allah." (Muwatta of Imam Malik)

"When the wife of one of you asks about going to the mosque, do not stop her." (Bukhari)

I recently took a trip with my family to the state of Colorado, and I was looking forward to visiting a different Muslim community. To my great dismay, when we went to an (unnamed) Colorado city to pray Jumu'ah in their masjid [mosque], we were told that there were no women in that masjid, and that I would be unable to pray there. With my children and (non Muslim) mother in tow, I went off to a park while my husband prayed. As a Muslima, I felt humiliated and angry, and I was embarrassed for the Ummah that my non Muslim mother should have to see Muslims barring me from Bait Ullah [house of God] for no reason other than my gender. Nothing like reinforcing negative stereotypes, is there? Later, the brothers there told my husband that it was nothing against me, there just "wasn't room" for women in this masjid.

A few years ago, I visited a masjid in New York, intending to make 'asr prayer while I was out shopping for things for my new home with my daughter and a friend. Instead, the sister and I were greeted at the door by a very angry teenager, who railed at us to return to our homes, that women have no place in the masjid, and that we were a fitna [a trial, calamity or affliction] upon the brothers who were there (all three of them). Mind you, we were a group consisting of a small child, a sister in hijab and jilbab [a loose-fitting garment covering the entire body], and a sister in niqab [face veil]. Subhan'Allah, if a small child and two sisters in hijab are a fitna upon these men, then whatever do they do as they walk around New York City and encounter women who cover nothing more than what they are legally required to cover (meaning the genitalia)? As we were leaving, one of the brothers caught up to us, and apologized for the incident. Then he said, "It's not that women aren't allowed, just that there isn't any room for you in this masjid." I fail to see how a two bedroom apartment with a living room converted into a masjid where there are only three brothers present at the time doesn't "have enough room."

I don't know. Maybe it's just me, but the "we don't have room for you" excuse is getting old. I visited a masjid in Monterey, California that was about the size of my living room. If any masjid had a valid reason to use this excuse was this place. However, the brothers here had the foresight to curtain off a corner in the back for women. If no women showed up, they would keep the curtain drawn to the side, and there would be more room for men. If a sister or two did show up, they would close the curtain, and the men would have to make do with the space they had left.

Yes, some spaces for masajid are very small, but to use that as an excuse to bar women from praying there is unacceptable. Proof of that is offered in the example of the Monterey masjid. Because the Prophet, aleyhi salatu wa salaam, specifically forbad keeping women from the masjid, no one is going to come right out and say that they bar women from entering. "We don't have room" becomes code for "We don't want you here. Go home." If people were really interested in keeping with the Sunnah of ar Rasul, aleyhi salatu wa salaam, they should make sure that their masjid doesn't aid them in violating the Prophet's command, aleyhi salatu wa salaam.

People in these communities who speak out against this injustice are often labeled as "troublemakers." When I wrote a letter to that NY masjid, giving reasons from Qur'an, Sunnah, and the writings of our esteemed scholars as to why it is haram to block women from the masjid, I was labeled a "radical feminist." Subhan'Allah. Is anti-feminism so ingrained in our community now that any speech for the rights of women should be dismissed, even when that speech comes directly from Allah and His Messenger?

Besides the inconvenience such masajid pose to women who are traveling, or working, or in some other way unable to be at home or another masjid to pray, these masajid also detract from the community as a whole. There is a void in that community. An multitude of viewpoints, ideas, and energy have been eliminated. More than 50% of the local community is invisible and excluded. I say more than 50%, because it is almost always the case that when a masjid excludes women, it automatically excludes children as well. Is this the face of our da'wa? A face that is exclusively male? How can we tell non Muslim women that Islam is a sheltering peace for them if we show them a community wherein women are virtually invisible?

It was not the face of the da'wa of the Sahaba, and it was not the Sunnah of the Prophet, aleyhi salatu wa salaam, to exclude women. Not from the masjid, and not from the community as a whole. Much is made of the hadith wherein the Prophet, sallalahu aleyhi wa salaam, told a woman that prayer in her home is better than prayer in the masjid. (Ustadh Abdullah Adhami has taught this hadith from a common sense, traditional point of view, and discusses misinterpretations that people have made of this hadith to justify banning women from the masajid, and you can hear this on his tape set "Ibadah of Women," from Ihya Productions.) The point that I am making here is that while the Prophet, aleyhi salatu wa salaam, told the woman that the prayer in her home is better for her, he did not forbid her from coming to the masjid at all. In fact, we know that the contrary is true, that he forbad men from preventing women to go to the masjid, as seen in the ahadith cited at the top of the page. If you are in a masjid that does not have a space for women, you are preventing them from entering this masjid. If you stand by while another brother tells a woman to go home, you are preventing her from entering the masjid. Do you really want to take that position?

If your masjid space truly is very small, there are very easy ways for you to make it availalble to women who need to pray there, while opening up the entire space for the men when no women are present. Many home improvement and home decorating stores sell decorative screens (like the rice paper ones seen in Japan), for a relatively low price. They fold up and are easy to store when not in use. Office supply stores sell cubicle walls with wheels. They also fold up for easy storage. If your masjid doesn't have enough of a budget for these items, take up a special collection. In the meantime, you can install an extended curtain rod across the intended space for women and put up floor length curtains. You can use a table or chairs to mark the space reserved for women. Or you can do as masajid have done for hundreds of years, and just designate a space behind the men as women's space, without hijab (barriers) or walls. However, be aware that some women (and men) might not be comfortable with this style, since they may need to breastfeed an infant or adjust their coverings in the course of a Jumu'ah khutba.

If you have been blessed by Allah subhannahu wa ta'ala to have a larger amount of space for your masjid, then do the right thing by your sisters. Make sure that the space reserved for them is adequate. Make sure the floor is clean. Make sure it is heated in the winter, and has air in the summer. Make sure the roof doesn't leak when it rains. Are there shoe racks and coat hangers? Make sure copies of the Qur'an are on hand for them to read. Make sure that the women's bathroom has hooks for their hijabs (when they are making wudhu), paper towels for them to dry with, slippers to wear, and soap to wash with. Make sure the bathroom is clean. If you have the room, you should add a changing table. It is a fact of life that where there are Muslim women, there are bound to be Muslim children, and the smallest of those children will need to have their diapers changed. Should the mother change it on the musallah floor, or on a wet, dirty, bathroom floor?

When you ensure that women are included in the masjid, you are ensuring that the entire community has access to the teachings of Islam. You are showing non Muslims that Islam does not stand for the exclusion of women and children, that Islam is not a "man's religion." You are showing non Muslims that a woman can be modest, can be religious, and can still participate in community life. You are showing the next generation of Muslims that cultural ideas about excluding women and keeping them in the home are not from Islam. And you are following the teachings and example of our beloved Prophet, aleyhi salatu wa salaam. It is time for us to start undoing the damage done to our communities by pre-Islamic cultural ideas about "women's places." It is time for us to erase the misconceptions and misunderstandings of the diyn (religion) that many still cling to. The only way that we can be sure that the next generation understands Islam as it was truly taught by the Prophet, sallalahu aleyhi wa salaam, is to be sure that women and children are fully included in the masjid.


Women and the Mosque

I have gotten some e-mails asking whether or not it is permitted for women to pray in the mosque (masjid in Arabic.) The short answer is yes as the Prophet Muhammed, peace be upon him, is reported to have said, "Do not prevent your women from going to the mosque if they ask your permission."

The longer answer, however, is "yes, with conditions," including the following:

1. Women must have permission from their husbands or fathers to leave the house.

2. They must be dressed in proper hijab (Islamic dress for women.)

3. The masjid itself must have a separate area for women, and women must respect this by not entering the mens' area. It is inappropriate to socialize with men, to stare at them or to make eye-contact with them. They also must not attempt to attract men by way of their voices, movements, etc.

In addition, it is important to realize that women are not required to perform their prayers in the masjid as are men. (Men are required in Islam to perform the five daily prayers in congregation.) One of the reasons is because women are often busy at home with their children and other responsibilities so it would be very difficult for them to leave their homes at all hours of the day. Along with that, the woman's prayer at home is described in Islam as the "best" prayer for women. Consider the following hadeeth:

"Umm Humayd, the wife of Abu Humayd al-Saa‘idi reported that she came to the Prophet, peace be upon him, and said: "O Messenger of Allah, I love to pray with you." He said: "I know that you love to pray with me, but praying in your house is better for you than praying in your courtyard, and praying in your courtyard is better for you than praying in the mosque of your people, and praying in the mosque of your people is better for you than praying in my mosque." So she ordered that a prayer-place be built for her in the furthest and darkest part of her house, and she always prayed there until she met Allaah (i.e., until she died)."

Women should keep this in mind and also avoid going to the masjid if they will face danger or harassment on the way there.

So long as women are mindful of the above considerations, there is no harm in them going to the masjid in order to pray, to gain knowledge from the Friday khutbahs (lectures) and to connect with other Muslim women. It is especially nice to participate in taraweeh prayers during Ramadan (a holy month of fasting) and to take part in Eid celebrations. But if women could not attend prayers and other events for some reason, they should not feel let down but try to find other means of meeting Muslim women and getting together to pray, study and build friendships.


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